I am dual-certified, teaching English and Social Studies since 2008, with an additional certification to teach AIG students and as a Master Catechist for the Diocese of Raleigh. My Catholic faith is most important to me, and the secular order of Carmelites has taught me so much about prayer and walking with God.
I earned my BA in English from George Mason University with highest honors. From there, I attended Duke University to add on their extensive post-graduate work in teaching Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) students, where I was selected for the Duke School of Education’s Highest Award for Scholarship. I earned a Master’s in Education with a minor in biblical literacy from Concordia University, and also earned credentials as a Master Catechist for the Diocese of Raleigh, finishing that program with coursework at the University of Notre Dame.
I have been teaching in North Carolina in the fields of ELA and Social Studies since 2008 in Durham and Orange Counties. I joined STM in 2015 to teach 7th-8th Social Studies and then Religion. I am blessed every day to teach ELA/SS to the wonderful 6th graders at STM!