Here are our reminders for this week...
Monday, May 1st: Meet and Greet next year's STM Principal, Mr. Fulford @5:45-6:45pm in Parish Friends and Family Hall.
Tuesday, May 2nd: 1st and 4th grade in-house field trip with Diamond Dell Mining (takes place at STM).
Wednesday, May 3rd: $1 Dress-UP day; May Crowning @8:30am (REMEMBER TO BRING A SINGLE FLOWER); EARLY dismissal @12:45pm!!
Thursday, May 4th: Drop-off coffee with our principals @7:30-8:30am; KA field trip to Kreb's Pond @8:30am-2pm; STM Catholic school tour @9am.
Friday, May 5th: STM FIELD DAY; Mission day; National Day of Prayer!
STM Yearbook:
Yearbooks can still be purchased online. To order, go to If you are unsure if you have already purchased one, or if you have any questions, please contact Ms. Adamcik at [email protected]
Barnes & Noble book fair:
Tuesday, May 16th there is a book fair that benefits the teachers at St. Thomas More AT Barnes and Noble. Bring your children and have fun purchasing books that are on the teacher's wish list in thanks for the great school year! Also, you can purchase books for your child's summer reading at home! Parents can order online or in the bookstore during or even two days after the fair (online). Grandparents can order from afar! ALL items in the store are included. This includes cafe items too! All proceeds will be divided up among our STM classrooms. Make sure to bring the vouchers when purchasing (teachers will distribute those), or tell the cashier your sale applies to St. Thomas More Catholic School!!
The Used book Sale was a great success! Thanks to Patricia Nolan for all her hard work and Lisa Mooney who returned to help out! For many of you who wonder, Lisa’s son, Robert, attended St. Thomas More years ago and love the Used Book sale so much she volunteers each year to help out! Thank goodness to great volunteers!
The book sale made $750.00 for the library’s programing and book purchases. Read Around America campaign will benefit from this fund raiser.
Monday, May 8th: STM Racial Equity Committee meeting @7:45am.
Tuesday, May 9th: 3rd Grade Wax Museum; HSA Board meeting @7:30pm.
Wednesday, May 10th: Talent Show dress rehearsal (grades 1st-4th) @3-5pm.
Thursday, May 11th: STM Talent Show @6-8pm!
Friday, May 12th: All School Mass @8:40am; Pre-K class picnic @10am; Middle school dance @7-9:30pm!
Monday, May 15th: St. Isidore the Farmer Feast Day!
Tuesday, May 16th: 2A and 2B field trip to Life and Science Museum 8:45am-2:30pm; 4A and 4B field trip to NC Symphony @9:30am-12:30pm; Barnes and Noble book fair benefitting STM!
Wednesday, May 17th: STM World Market @11:45am-2:15pm!!; 4th grade performance @7-8pm.
Thursday, May 18th: Kindergarten performance @7-8pm.
Friday, May 19th: All school mass @8:40am.
Saturday, May 20th: STM Family night at Durham Bulls game!
Monday, May 22nd:
Tuesday, May 23rd: 3rd grade field trip to Chestnut Ridge @8:30am-2pm; 5th grade field trip to Old Salem; Middle School Math EOC @8am-12noon; Enrollment Management Team Meeting @5:30pm; School Advisory Board Meeting @7pm (EOY mtg and dinner).
Wednesday, May 24th: 8th grade exams, 11:30am dismissal!
Thursday, May 25th: 8th grade exams, 11:30am dismissal; LAST DAY for 3yr. old class (Friendly Frogs); KA field trip to Anderson Park @9:30am-2pm!
Friday, May 26th: All school mass @8:40am; 8th grade exams, 11:30am dismissal; 6th&7th grade exams; LAST DAY for Pre-K class!
Monday, May 29th: NO SCHOOL! Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday, May 30th: 6th&7th grade exams; 8th grade graduation practice @8:15am; 8th grade Principal's Breakfast @9:30-11:30am; 8th grade Graduation Mass and Reception @7pm!!
Wednesday, May 31st: 6th&7th grade exams.
Thursday, June 1st: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL; All school mass @8:40am; EARLY dismissal @11:30am!!
+++This information is as accurate as possible. However, changes are made on occasion, so please check our school calendar for the most updated info.
***As always, please remember to record your volunteer hours and check our HSA website often!